My Dog Is Coughing: 6 Possible Reasons Why

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Living and working closely with dogs for nearly 40 years, my experience as a dedicated dog breeder has given me valuable insights into the various health concerns that can affect our canine companions. One common issue that can be concerning for pet owners is when their dogs start coughing. In this blog, we'll explore six possible reasons behind a dog's cough, shedding light on symptoms and potential treatments. Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a newcomer to the joys of canine companionship, understanding these factors can help you provide the best care for your furry friend.


6 Possible Reasons for Dog Cough


Dogs, our cherished companions, may sometimes encounter health issues leading to a persistent cough. Let's delve deeper into each potential cause to better understand and address these concerns.


  1. Heart Disease: Heart disease, prevalent in certain breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, and Boxers, can often be managed effectively. Common symptoms include a persistent cough, fatigue, and labored breathing. If your dog exhibits these signs, especially in these breeds prone to heart issues, prompt veterinary attention is crucial. Treatment may involve medications like diuretics and ACE inhibitors and lifestyle adjustments such as low-sodium diets and controlled exercise.
  2. Pneumonia: Pneumonia in dogs can be signaled by a cough with mucus, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. If your dog displays these symptoms, consult your vet immediately. Treatment typically includes antibiotics, rest, and, in severe cases, hospitalization.
  3. Kennel Cough: Kennel cough, akin to a common cold, manifests as a persistent cough. Additional symptoms may include sneezing and nasal discharge. While usually not severe, isolation is essential to prevent spreading. Rest and supportive care aid recovery. If the cough persists or worsens, consult your vet. Copaiba essential oil may be used as home remedy to provide relief, but always consult your vet before use.
  4. Tracheal Collapse: More common in smaller breeds like Yorkshire Terriers and Pomeranians, tracheal collapse may cause a honking cough. Lifestyle adjustments, such as avoiding neck pressure from collars and weight management, are crucial. If the cough becomes severe or frequent, consult your vet for further evaluation.
  5. Heartworm Disease: Heartworm disease, transmitted by mosquitoes, can lead to coughing, lethargy, and weight loss. Breeds like Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds are often susceptible. Prevention, through regular vet visits and prescribed preventives, is key. If you suspect heartworm disease, prompt testing and appropriate treatment are essential.
  6. Canine Influenza: Canine influenza mirrors the human flu and may cause coughing, nasal discharge, and fever. Rest and supportive care are crucial. If your dog's condition worsens, consult your vet promptly. Antiviral medications may be prescribed based on professional guidance.


Remember, your awareness and prompt action are vital in ensuring your dog's well-being. Regular vet check-ups and a keen eye on any changes in behavior or health are the foundation of a happy, healthy canine companion.


Tips to Prevent Dog Cough


As a seasoned dog breeder, I've learned that fortifying your dog's immune system is key to preventing various health issues, including coughing. Let me share my favorite three products that have proven to be effective in enhancing canine immunity:


  1. High-Quality Food. The foundation of a strong immune system is a well-balanced diet. Choose superior premium dog food like Nature's Protection Superior Care, loaded with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This lays the groundwork for a robust immune response.
  2. Supplemental Treats. Give your dog treats that are full of good stuff like antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. I highly recommend Nature's Protection supplemental treats, featuring MicroZeoGen —a valuable mineral renowned for improving nutrient absorption and enhancing the immune system.
  3. Alkaline Water. The antibacterial properties of Tauro Pro Line Pure Mist alkaline water can significantly contribute to your dog's overall well-being. I personally use it by spraying directly into the dog's mouth, helping prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.


While these products won't cure serious illnesses if they occur, they play a crucial role in preventing ailments in the first place, and the best part—they are all natural.




Our dogs, with their boundless energy and unwavering companionship, may sometimes face health challenges, including a persistent cough. While this can be concerning, understanding the potential reasons empowers us to provide the best care. Whether it's addressing heart disease, pneumonia, kennel cough, tracheal collapse, heartworm disease, or canine influenza, early detection and appropriate action are paramount. Keep a close eye on your dog's behavior, and if you notice persistent symptoms, consult your vet promptly. Remember, timely veterinary care, lifestyle adjustments, and preventive measures contribute to ensuring your furry friend leads a happy and healthy life. As we navigate the journey of canine companionship, let's prioritize their well-being, being attuned to their needs and ever-ready to provide the care and attention they deserve.


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