Tackling Tear Stains: How to Fix This Common Problem in Dogs

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Did you know that approximately 90% of dogs experience tearing problems? While this issue affects dogs of all colors, it is particularly noticeable in white-coated dogs due to the contrast with their fur. The unsightly brown stains caused by excessive tearing can be frustrating for pet owners who want their furry companions to look their best. But worry not! In this blog post, I will share with you a natural solution that has been proven effective through my 35 years of experience working with dogs. By following these methods, you can prevent and reduce brown tear stains, providing your beloved canine with a long-term solution for this common problem.


Common causes of tear stains in dogs


Brown tear stains can be caused by various factors, and understanding these causes is essential for effectively tackling the issue. Here are the most common reasons why dogs develop brown tear stains:


  1. Improper Nutrition: Approximately 80% of cases of brown tear stains can be attributed to improper nutrition. Since most of brown tear stain occur due to food allergy, it's important to be aware of potential food allergens and avoid them in your pet's diet to prevent allergic reactions that lead to tear stains. Dogs require a well-balanced diet that meets their specific nutritional needs.
  2. Parasitology: Certain parasites, such as mites, can irritate a dog's eyes, leading to increased tear production and subsequent staining. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian and appropriate parasite prevention measures are crucial in preventing these issues.
  3. Eye Hygiene: Poor canine eye health, such as excessive eye discharge buildup, can contribute to tear staining. Regularly cleaning your dog's eyes and ensuring proper drainage can help reduce tear stains.
  4. Ear Hygiene: Surprisingly, ear hygiene plays a role in tear stains as well. Ear infections or excessive ear wax can cause tear duct blockages and subsequent staining. Maintaining clean and healthy ears through regular cleaning and monitoring can minimize tear stain formation.
  5. Dental Hygiene: Dental problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease, can lead to excessive tear production. The close proximity of the tear ducts to the oral cavity means that oral health directly affects tear staining. Regular dental care, including professional cleanings and at-home toothbrushing, is vital.
  6. Stress ("Hormonal Storms"): Dogs, just like humans, can experience stress. Stressful situations, anxiety, or hormonal imbalances can trigger excessive tear production, resulting in tear stains. Creating a calm and stress-free environment for your dog can help minimize tear staining.
  7. Use of Skin and Coat Care Products: Some dogs may have sensitivities or allergies to certain ingredients in skin and coat care products. These sensitivities can cause eye irritation and increased tearing, leading to tear stains. Choosing gentle skin an coat care products can help prevent this issue.
  8. Other Reasons: Additional factors contributing to tear stains include oxidation, pigments and bacteria, external factors (such as dirt or grass in the eye), water quality (chemicals in tap water), and additives in food. These factors can exacerbate tear staining in susceptible dogs.


By understanding these common causes, you can take appropriate steps to address the underlying issues and minimize the occurrence of brown tear stains. In the following sections, we will explore natural methods to tackle each of these causes, providing a comprehensive and long-term solution for your dog's tear stain woes.


How to prevent brown tear stains?


Preventing brown tear stains in dogs requires a two-pronged approach: proper nutrition and daily pet care. By addressing these aspects, you can effectively minimize tear stains and promote a healthier appearance for your furry companion by using these natural remedies for tear stains:


1. Nutrition (80% impact):

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in preventing tear stains, accounting for 80% of the overall impact. A hypoallergenic diet is key to reducing the likelihood of brown tear stains. Opt for high-quality hypoallergenic protein sources such as white fish, salmon, lamb, herring, or even insects. Grain-free options can also be beneficial since grains can also cause allergies that lead to brown tear stains. My advice is to choose Nature's Protection Superior Care food system, which has already proven to yield great results in preventing brown tear stains. Read here to learn how it works.


It's essential to be mindful of all sources of nutrition for your pet, including treats. Choose only high-quality treats that align with a hypoallergenic diet. Remember that everything your pet consumes contributes to their overall nutrition, so it's crucial to cut off table scraps, poor quality treats, and human food that may trigger allergic reactions or tear staining.



2. Daily Pet Hygiene (20% impact)

Daily pet care for tear-prone breeds are equally important in preventing brown tear stains, accounting for 20% of the overall impact. Regularly cleaning your pet's eyes can help maintain proper eye hygiene and reduce tear staining. Consider using the Tauro Pro Line Clear Eyes Solution, a proven method to combat tear stains.


The Clear Eyes Solution involves a simple process: start by spraying Tauro Pro Line Pure Mist alkaline water directly into your pet's eyes. This gentle mist helps cleanse the eyes and promote a healthy environment. Next, carefully wipe away any excess moisture from the eyes. Finally, apply Tauro Pro Line Stainless Look clay mask to the under-eye area. This combination helps to “catch” the brown tears and reduce the appearance of stains, working as tear stains removers.


  • See how to use the Pure Mist here
  • See how to use the Stainless Look here


It's worth noting that the Clear Eyes Solution was recognized for its innovation in the pet grooming category at SuperZoo, the esteemed B2B pet retail exhibition held in Las Vegas. Among 900 participants, this concept won the New Product Showcase Award in 2022, highlighting the importance of natural solutions for addressing pet coat problems. This accolade reinforces the effectiveness and significance of incorporating natural methods into your pet's tear stain prevention routine.



By focusing on both proper nutrition and daily pet care, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of brown tear stains in your beloved canine companion. Providing a well-rounded approach ensures a long-term solution and a happier, healthier appearance for your furry friend.


Each dog is unique, and the causes of tear staining can vary. Therefore, it's important to adapt and tailor your approach to suit your specific pet's needs. If you require further assistance or a personalized plan, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Click here to access the form and get a personalized plan free of charge. By working together, we can overcome tear stains and help your dog achieve a happier and healthier appearance.


When to See a Veterinarian for Tear Stains in Dogs


While following natural methods and taking proactive steps can often help prevent and reduce tear stains in dogs, there are instances where it is essential to seek veterinary attention. If you have diligently followed the recommended methods for six weeks and have not witnessed noticeable improvement in your dog's tear stains, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian. This lack of progress may indicate underlying internal issues that require professional evaluation and treatment.


A veterinarian will be able to conduct a thorough examination of your dog, assess their overall health, and investigate potential causes for the persistent tear staining. They may perform tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions such as eye infections, allergies, hormonal imbalances, or dog tear duct abnormalities. By pinpointing the root cause of the tear staining, the veterinarian can recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your dog's specific needs.




Tear stains can be a common and frustrating problem for many dog owners, particularly those with white-coated companions. However, with the right knowledge and proactive approach, you can effectively tackle tear stains and provide your furry friend with a long-term solution. By focusing on proper nutrition, daily pet care, and seeking veterinary attention when necessary, you can minimize tear staining and promote a healthier appearance for your dog.


Remember to prioritize a hypoallergenic diet, choosing high-quality protein sources and avoiding potential allergens. Implement a daily pet care routine that includes gentle eye cleaning and the use of proven solutions like the Clear Eyes Solution.

Breeding dogs for more than 35 years brought me to my mission – to understand and create the best products for pets. I’m ready to share my long-tested and thoroughly created pet care system with you!
- Janita J. Plunge

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